Dr. Dhan Singh Rawat, the cabinet minister of the cooperative department of Uttarakhand, had first dreamed of digitization of multipurpose cooperative societies at the village and Nyaya Panchayat level on the land of Uttarakhand, that dream is being fulfilled today.
To do computerization of 670 committees, Dr. Rawat took more than 100 review meetings in about 6 years and had a meaningful talk with all technical experts, including NABARD, visits to M-PACS from time to time, review of digital platforms at village level. It is the result of their hard work, dedication, goal that
In Uttarakhand, the first state in the country, the villagers are going to get the gift of computerization.

The number of MPACS committee members of the cooperative department of Uttarakhand state is about 12. Today, with the computerization of 108 MPACS, the accounts of more than two lakh people have come on the digital platform. As a result of this, more than 5 lakh rural people of the state will be benefitted.

108 Multipurpose Primary Agricultural Credit Society of Uttarakhand State MPACS,
Today, on-line computerization has been done on Sunday. The work of computerization of the remaining 562 MPACs is going on in full swing. There are total 670 MPACS in the state.

Farmers are getting the benefit of 108 MPACS being computerized. This endeavor of the Government for the provision of agricultural inputs like fertilizers, seeds etc., after being computerized, has improved the reach of MPACS as a hub of banking activities as well as non-banking activities.

108 committees have been made online in the state of Uttarakhand

PACS is a big scheme to strengthen the small and marginal farmers in the agriculture sector in Uttarakhand. PACS i.e. “Primary Agricultural Credit Cooperative Societies” which are the smallest unit to give loans to farmers across the country and farmers are encouraged through this. These committees are being made online for transparency. There are about 108 committees which have been made online so far. For this, Uttarakhand has become one of the foremost states of the country. Since 2019, work is going on to computerize all the multi-purpose primary agricultural credit societies of the state.

The arrangements for making the accounts of the committees online can be done easily. MPACS computerization will secure the capital of members/villagers deposited in multi-purpose primary agricultural credit cooperative societies, as well as make deposits and withdrawals easier. With MPACS computerization, the farmer or account holder of the village can easily view his deposits anywhere and can use them from anywhere in the country through Rupay Debit Card. With the computerization of MPAC, societies will be able to do the work of deposits, marketing, consumer, joint cooperative agricultural transactions, DBT etc. easily.

Minister Dr Rawat said that
One of the main objectives of the government is to increase the efficiency of 670 Multi Purpose Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (MPACs) in the state and bring transparency and accountability in their operation and to facilitate PACS to diversify their business and start various activities/services.

In view of the need to computerize MPACS to digitally empower the multi-purpose primary agricultural credit cooperative societies (MPACS) of the state, in collaboration with the State Government Co-operative Bank and NABARD, at a cost of Rs. 37.52 crore, these primary cooperative institutions should be brought on the digital platform. It was conceptualized to ensure participation in the implementation of “Digital India” flagship program of the Government of India. The work of computerization of 670 MPACS of the state was started from 2019. Computerization of 108 MPACS is being done online today in the state of Uttarakhand. The work of computerization of the remaining 562 Multipurpose Primary Agricultural Credit Co-operative Societies (MPACS) has been completed from 60 to 90 percent.

As a result of bringing the multi-purpose primary agricultural credit cooperative societies of the state on the digital platform, besides giving a boost to the cooperative movement, the people of the state, farmers and members of the societies are targeted to be benefited as follows

In MPACS, the data of the members related to them, etc., will be transparently preserved. With the computerization of Mpax, the Nyaya Panchayat level infrastructure of 670 committees will be strengthened as well as necessary information can be exchanged in time. The complete data of Multi Purpose Primary Agricultural Credit Co-operative Societies (MPAX) can be managed on the CBS system at the state level. Multi-Purpose Primary Agriculture Credit Co-operative from MPACS Computerization

The benefits of MPACS are as follows:

MPACS means multi-purpose primary agricultural credit societies of which farmers are members.
This is the smallest loan unit in the cooperative, which is at the village level.
Formed to save farmers from the clutches of moneylenders
Farmers get cheap interest through MPACS committees.
Availability of fertilizers, seeds and even medicines is made through committees.
Crop loans are also easy to get through committees.
Interest is also available on repayment of loan on time.
Up to 20 lakhs is also available for buying an agricultural plant.