Apple Federation Board Meeting(5-07-2022)

Jul 6, 2022 | Cooperative, The office, Uttarakhand Cooperative Development Project | 0 comments

Apple Federation Board Meeting was held today. #Apple Federation is the apex body for apple crop development. It leads 21 #Apple cooperatives in 11 districts of #Uttarakhand with over 12,700 farmers as members. Discussion was to initiate apple business with collaboration between #Apple Federation and #Department of Horticulture, GoUK with funds support from Uttarakhand #Horticulture Board (UHB). Key discussion was on operationalization of #Controlled Atmosphere storage at #Jhala & MoU with Krishna Cold Storage at Haridwar. Consultation with APPCOOPS in different districts and seek information on apple production was planned. Visit to eight villages of Harshil area for sensitization/awareness of farmers regarding objectives of Apple Federation, along with spray schedule, timely harvesting & benefits of storage. Corporate Cooperative Partnership model will be implemented. Procurement of apple from low height areas like Arakot, Kalsi, Purola & Mori. High Density Population for Apple crop was also discussed. Meeting concluded for the day with the plans for structural and financial improvement of Apple Federation.