Mission Amrit Sarovar review meeting was held under Chairpersonship of Secretary, Rural Development- GoI. Key emphasis was laid on meeting the timeline for the set objectives. Expectation from State govt on Mission Amrit Sarovar was laid down with following points:
1.It was advised to plan mobilization of user group.
2.Regular monitoring with District Nodal Officer by the State.
3.Listing of name of dignitaries for flag hoisting on 15th August at Amrit Sarovar site.
4.Preparation for plantation at Amrit Sarovar location.
5.To coordinate with concerned central agency, Railways and NHAI for mapping of Amrit Sarovar.
6.Geotagged photos of started/completed works to be shared.
7.Quality of photos & videos to be maintained while sharing.
8.Reason for non-commencement of works on selected sites to be updated.
In Uttarakhand State there is a good progress on Mission Amrit Sarovar , with aim of completing 375 Amrit Sarovar before 13th August 2022.